About us
The Department of Communication and Public Relations (DCPR) is an autonomous subdivision of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, whose general objective is to ensure internal and external communication, providing information of public interest and promoting the institution's image both nationally and internationally.
Free of any political or ideological bias, DCPR carries out its activities in accordance with the legislation in force of the Republic of Moldova, the University Charter, the Internal Regulations of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, the Moral Code, the Quality Manual and the procedures of the Quality Management System, the Regulation on organization and functioning of the Department, and other regulations and instructions that regulate this segment of activity.
The department has two distinct directions of activity: Public Relations and Document Management.
The Public Relations direction aims to promote the image of the University by maintaining relations with different categories of public (media, students, employees, etc.), managing the university information portal, publishing Medicus Newspaper, creating and disseminating promotional and information materials. At the same time, the team responsible for public relations provides support to university subdivisions in organizing scientific, social, cultural or extracurricular events: congresses, conferences, public relations campaigns, contests, workshops, book launches, etc.
Thus, if you organize an event inside the University or with the participation of our institution, please fill in and send this Form to the e-mail address: relatiipublice@usmf.md.
The Document Management direction ensures the flow of internal (orders, requests, applications, letters) and external documents (partners, ministries, etc.). Currently, it implements and manages the Communication and Document Flows Module of the University Management Information System (SIMU - https://ums.usmf.md). University subdivisions can also receive here consultations and recommendations regarding the correct development and drawing up of documents, including the Nomenclature of files.
The Document Management direction also includes the University Archive, which ensures the reception of temporary storage files from university subdivisions, the preservation of their integrity and the secure transmission of permanent storage documents to the National Archives of the Republic of Moldova. Specialists of the University Archives can offer you methodological assistance and consultancy on how to complete the files according to the requirements in force, the conditions and the terms of keeping the documents.
Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy has built a strong reputation over the years. We intend to maintain and develop this image, to come up with new visions and ideas, contributing to the consolidation of the institution's prestige.
We are a team of professionals oriented toward quality and performance. We aim to be as active, innovative, and consistent as possible, in order to achieve together with the entire university community a common goal – the prosperity of Alma Mater.